Thursday, March 8, 2012

School Tech Connect: Happy ISAT Window!

School Tech Connect: Happy ISAT Window!:

Happy ISAT Window!

I got nothin'. While you're here, why don't you zoom over and take the Illinois 8th grade practice ISAT questions.It's testing season, and people seem to think that these reading tests are some kind of gauge for how well kids read.

I have often wanted to film a small group of kids taking the practice tests, but it's so tedious that I can't think of a way to make it interesting. All I know is that if I'm a kid, and I know that nothing much really comes of this test other than my teachers getting yelled at, I'm going to put a minimal effort into trying to play the little detective game that these questions want me to play.

I guess this is an example of irony as a literary device. However, when I think of irony as a literary device, I think