Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Republicans plus Rodney Tom wreak havoc on the Washington State budget and hurt children the most | Seattle Education

The Republicans plus Rodney Tom wreak havoc on the Washington State budget and hurt children the most | Seattle Education:

The Republicans plus Rodney Tom wreak havoc on the Washington State budget and hurt children the most

Senator Rodney Tom is pushing  for charter school franchises  to be established  in the Central District and yet he wants to cut the budget that would assist the children who he purports to want to “help” in this same community as well as make major cuts to education funding. Kelly Munn with the League of Education Voters seems to be a major cheerleader for his cause.
To follow is a newsletter from Senator Allen Kline who represents the 37th District, where the Central District is located. This newsletter describes in detail what Democratic Senator Rodney Tom of Bellevue and his Republican friends want to do with our state budget and how it would affect those in need, particularly residents