Friday, March 16, 2012

Parents United for Responsible Education » Prize-winning opinion

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Prize-winning opinion:

Prize-winning opinion

You may remember that I’m not real popular over at the Tribune editorial board, especially after PURE and colleagues exposed the outrageous discipline fines the Trib’s pet charter school, Noble Network, was charging low-income students for not “tracking” the teacher or for eating flaming hot chips.
So it was with some surprise that I read the last opinion piece written by ex-Tribune editorial Board writer, James Warren, on the last day his newish online venture, the Chicago News Cooperative, was published.
It was about Noble, and Warren characterized their discipline policy as “crude” and “misguided.
So, it’s nice to read(via Catalyst) that someone who took our side just won First Prize for opinion writing from his