Thursday, March 22, 2012

On Foreign Relations & Precious Gems - Bridging Differences - Education Week

On Foreign Relations & Precious Gems - Bridging Differences - Education Week:

On Foreign Relations & Precious Gems

Dear Diane,
I'm going to borrow an idea from Mike Klonsky's Small Talk blog. I've too much I'm bursting to say! Like ...
Note that the four dissenters on the Council on Foreign Relations' task force are never quoted in the news reports. Their dissent needs to be read. But what struck me, aside from the make-up of the committee, was the sponsor. Would they publish a task force report on Russian/U.S. relations written by people who had no background experience or expertise on the subject? Someone like me—although I suspect I know as much about that subject as their experts do on American public schooling. (I follow it.) But why is it that they think education belongs on their plate? I suppose that it's seen as one of our weapons for defeating our foreign enemies.
Besides, as Jack Jennings of the Center on Education Policy, points out: "Everything the report recommends is