Saturday, March 24, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: These Teachers Probably won't be Appearing in a YouTube "Rah Rah" Common Core Video.

Missouri Education Watchdog: These Teachers Probably won't be Appearing in a YouTube "Rah Rah" Common Core Video.:

These Teachers Probably won't be Appearing in a YouTube "Rah Rah" Common Core Video.

The Common Core standards have been distributed for teacher review and implementation and may not be as thrilling as presented by the private companies developing the standards.  A high school English department studied them and this writer finds them just a bit lacking.  From the Washington Post:

The Common Core exemplar we worked with was intellectually limiting, shallow in scope, and uninteresting. I don’t want my lessons to be any of those things. 

How does this teacher's article compare with the youtube video about English teachers singing the