Friday, March 16, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: It's Never Too Early To Start Preparing For College

Missouri Education Watchdog: It's Never Too Early To Start Preparing For College:

It's Never Too Early To Start Preparing For College

Twenty years ago the "experts" thought children as young as two and three did not have the fine motor coordination to do many tasks, like using a pencil or a mouse. But some tech geeks, anxious to really maximize the benefits of the home computer (and sell more software) decided to go ahead and make learning programs for little kids like "Playskool Friends" and "Freddy Fish" anyway.  They proved the experts wrong. Toddlers were soon sitting transfixed in front of their home computers clicking away to make things happen on the screen, mousing almost as good as their parents.  Give any child that age today an iPhone and they will soon be mastering Angry Birds to levels that embarrass mom and dad. Their brains are in high gear making neural connections that allow them to understand, synthesize and adapt to their world. So is it wrong to start thinking that we can begin preparing them for college in pre school? New York City says "no", but teachers, parents, and most importantly kids, disagree.

NYC Department of Education has prepared a