Saturday, March 17, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Your Moment of Sanity: Pensions

Jersey Jazzman: Your Moment of Sanity: Pensions:

Your Moment of Sanity: Pensions

Believe it or not, pensions save taxpayers money. So we should expand them:
In response, in late February California State Senator Kevin De León and Darrell Steinberg, the Senate president pro tempore, introduced legislation that would allow private-sector workers in California to enroll in a modest, state-operated retirement program financed by the workers and their employers — at virtually no cost to taxpayers.
This would increase coverage because employers would put every worker into a plan, either their own or the California plan. In the California version workers could opt out; some will, but most workers once in a plan will stay in.
Also in February, John Liu, the New York City comptroller, called for a similar plan for New