Thursday, March 15, 2012

IEA RA. The leadership debates by sleazy means. « Fred Klonsky

IEA RA. The leadership debates by sleazy means. « Fred Klonsky:

IEA RA. The leadership debates by sleazy means.

I submitted my Organizer’s New Business Item this afternoon.
The RA directs the IEA Board of Directors to create an opt-in, password protected database on the IEA website. Members would be able to contact other members who live in the same legislative districts for the purpose of coordinating back-home lobbying. It should be set up by September 1, 2012.
Bob Haisman, former IEA President and retiree activist seconded the NBI.
I wondered how the leadership would go after this. What would be their argument? I wasn’t sure. I just know that decentralized, mobilized political action makes them uncomfortable. They would come up with something.
This is what they will put