Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee on Vouchers With a Oh, So Subtle Jab at Bush and Levesque | Scathing Purple Musings

Rhee on Vouchers With a Oh, So Subtle Jab at Bush and Levesque | Scathing Purple Musings:

Rhee on Vouchers With a Oh, So Subtle Jab at Bush and Levesque

Education Week’s Sean Cavanagh is writing in a new niche blog, Charters and Choice. His post today on Michelle Rhee offers some new takeaways. First of those is that Rhee’s support for vouchers is limited:
I was curious about Rhee’s views on this topic, because, broadly speaking, she’s been a strong backer of school choice. She’s called for expanding charter schools, open enrollment for students across districts, and “parent trigger” proposals, which would allow parents to vote to convert struggling schools to charters. But her views of private school choice have received a lot less attention.
Rhee’s position also matters, because the education advocacy group she now leads,StudentsFirst, wants to become a major player in state education policy. Though Rhee is a Democrat, she says her group will support governors and lawmakers from either party if they share