Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Elham Palestine: Overcoming the Odds — Whole Child Education

Elham Palestine: Overcoming the Odds — Whole Child Education:

Elham Palestine: Overcoming the Odds

Huthayfa Jalamna
Post submitted by Elham Palestine executive director Huthayfa Jalamna and communication specialist Alla Atari. Elham is a nationwide program extending throughout Gaza and the West Bank that aims at improving the physical, mental, psychological, and social well-being of Palestinian children and enhancing their learning environments to become more conducive for their well-being. It is the Middle East setting of whole child partner Learning for Well-Being and the principles and framework developed by the Universal Education Foundation.
Imagine growing up under one of the most controversial political conflicts in the world. Today millions of Palestinian children are spending their childhood living in unstable and harsh environments at the detriment of their learning and development. Palestinian principals, teachers, counselors, and even students are striving to provide a healthy and stimulating learning environment despite the lack of resources and the stressful atmosphere.

The Elham Palestine program works to stimulate, recognize, and mainstream inspiring initiatives that contribute