Saturday, March 3, 2012

Educational Testing: Where conservatives & liberals agree? Sigh. - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education.

Educational Testing: Where conservatives & liberals agree? Sigh. - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education.:

Educational Testing: Where conservatives & liberals agree? Sigh.


"And if the point of education really is
the production of abstractly and measurably skillful people
who don't necessarily know anything in particular,
it's a vision (maybe a chilling one) that, at least,
should be articulated for parents - and voters -
to decide on.
-Richard Brody

Not a Good Thing

A must-weekend-read, "Test Patterns," by Richard Brody - crossing many edu-silos: politics, policies, parenting, current teacher evaluations in NY, Arne Duncan, E.D. Hirsch, Allan Bloom, Harold Bloom, Santorum (who cannot discuss education without mentioning Rick?), indoctrination, and the essential question, "What is the purpose of education?"

The philosophic introductory excerpt:

Most children are, in effect, wards of the state. They spend their weekdays in state institutions called schools and are meant to spend evenings and weekends doing homework that's prescribed there. Education is inherently political, as suggested by the primordial work of political philosophy, Plato's "Republic," much of which is devoted to the