Friday, March 23, 2012

Daily Kos: Eugene Robinson is a must read

Daily Kos: Eugene Robinson is a must read:

Eugene Robinson is a must read

For every black man in America, from the millionaire in the corner office to the mechanic in the local garage, the Trayvon Martin tragedy is personal. It could have been me or one of my sons. It could have been any of us.
That is the opening paragraph of Robinson's Friday column for the Washington Post, titled Trayvon Martin and dangerous times for black men."It could have been any of us" - even Robinson himself, a Puliter Prize winning columnist, a noted political commentator on cable tv.
It is the kind of experience that I, a white man in his mid 60s, could never have experienced, except through the

Mitt Romney is a Liar

so said Rachel Maddow bluntly last night on her show, backing it up with examples, and then noting Karl Rove also lied on Romney's behalf in his Wall Street Journal column.
If you did not see it, take the time to watch the video of that segment of TRMS show:

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You will have to sit through a 30 second ad first, but you will find it worthwhile to watch the entire segment,