Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Cost of Cost-Cutting « InterACT

The Cost of Cost-Cutting « InterACT:

The Cost of Cost-Cutting

Jane Ching FungJane Ching Fung and students
Today’s ACT Guest Blog Post is from Jane Ching Fung, a National Board Certified Teacher and Milken Award winning veteran educator in Los Angeles Unified School District.  This post began as a comment on The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves, but I wanted to make sure more people see what Jane wrote, and consider the damage done by annual budget cuts and pink slips.  Even when many of the pink slips are rescinded, as often happens, the fiscal and human costs are considerable.  I also recommend Jane’s most recent prior guest post on InterACT,  Getting Less From More. (DBC)
It’s past 11:00pm and I’m finally done entering writing scores on our new comprehensive data system.  I now have a chance to read this blog entry that I have been saving for a few days.  When I read that the Met Lifesurvey showed that teacher satisfaction was at an all time low, I was not a bit surprised. Why? Because I have lived it for the past several years in the field. Just this week we found out that over 50% of the current teachers at