Monday, February 27, 2012

Teacher Evaluation Bill SB 5895 and why it should be opposed vehemently | Seattle Education

Teacher Evaluation Bill SB 5895 and why it should be opposed vehemently | Seattle Education:

Teacher Evaluation Bill SB 5895 and why it should be opposed vehemently

There is a Teacher Evaluation Bill SB 5895 which ties test scores to teacher evaluations. At this time the teachers union in the state of Washington has been working with OSPI on an evaluation system that was set forth to be developed in last years legislation. Now certain legislators want to ratchet it up a notch and tie a large percentage of the evaluation to student test scores.

Let’s start with a great video that distills this issue down to the point where even a politician who knows nothing about public education could understand it. This video describes why merit pay isn’t a good idea but more importantly describes why the idea of teacher evaluations based on test scores is flawed.


In Seattle we have the MAP test that was instituted at the cost of millions of dollars thanks to our former Broad superintendent who was on the board of directors of the NWEA which produces the MAP test. This test, as