Sunday, February 26, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Education Today - The Battle Rages On

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Education Today - The Battle Rages On:

Education Today - The Battle Rages On

So the on-going battle for the education soul of the Democratic party in Washington State goes on.

Over at Publicola, WEA President Mary Lindquist shot back at heavy Dem donor Nick Hanauer over his e-mail to her. (She is right on one point; he made it sound like every single change put forth in the Legislature has been blocked by the WEA. That's just not true.)

What puzzles me is who gave the e-mail to Publicola? At the end of the e-mail, Hanauer says "share this with the gang." But you'd think he might not have wanted it shared publicly or, just maybe, he did. Maybe he wanted to test the waters of public opinion. The problem is that he wants to make this about the WEA versus ed reformers and that's sure leaves out a lot of other interested parties.

The Times then writes an article that puts this all on display. What's interesting is they have Hanaeur, Lisa