Saturday, February 18, 2012

Phil Rockstroh: Love, Work, and Dissent in a Time of Hazmat Suits and Political Hypochondria | #ows

Phil Rockstroh: Love, Work, and Dissent in a Time of Hazmat Suits and Political Hypochondria |

Phil Rockstroh: Love, Work, and Dissent in a Time of Hazmat Suits and Political Hypochondria

Recently, discourse, within the free-range pathogen zone of the U.S. political realm, has been infected and inflamed by the use of verbiage (applied both in the metaphoric and literal sense) related to disease and contagion by editorial scribes and political hacks. For example, we have been informed that Occupy D.C. sites were attacked and destroyed by police authorities for reasons related to public health and hygiene.

These actions (part of a series of ongoing coordinated, anti-democratic measures) carried out on orders from the current governing class of the U.S. display the tendency of the hyper-authoritarian mindset to regard the inherent messiness of freedom--including those individuals who engage in acts of dissent in public space-- to pose a danger to civil order and the wellbeing of the general public on the level of that of bio-hazardous material.

(In a vain attempt to assuage his germophobic mania, J. Edgar Hoover had a throne-sized commode constructed