Sunday, February 19, 2012

Democurmudgeon: School Vouchers Explained; Would you trust "The Alliance for the Seperation of School and State?"

Democurmudgeon: School Vouchers Explained; Would you trust "The Alliance for the Seperation of School and State?":

School Vouchers Explained; Would you trust "The Alliance for the Seperation of School and State?"

The following provides the simple reason why school vouchersare being pushed. It’s not for educating kids or giving parents “choice,” it’spurely ideological and monetary. NH version gets around theirconstitution by funding vouchers with business tax credits. What moneyisn’t used by students is taken from education, and who knows, is used by the state for other things. Sneakyhuh?

Here’s one of the best explanations for those still on the fence.
Sentinel Source: Have you ever heard of The Alliance for the Separation ofSchool and State, where you sign a proclamation that says, “I proclaim publiclythat I favor ending government involvement in education?”

The Alliance, along with the Cato Institute and a panopl