Thursday, February 16, 2012

Big Education Ape: 2-16-12 PM What Is "Teachers Village"? EDition #soschat #teachers #p2

Big Education Ape: PARENTS CAN!:
Big Education Ape: PARENTS CAN!

Published by Coopmike48 – 8 news spotters today

What Is "Teachers Village"? - Remember the name: Teachers Village. It's a $150 million, mixed-use development that just broke ground with great fanfare in Newark. The idea is that teachers will live in the complex and teach at ...


should jeremy lin be an NBA All-Star – - An increasingly intriguing question is bouncing around the sports world this week: Should the sensational Jeremy Lin be given a spot in next weekend's NBA All-Star Game?No matter how many millions ...


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coopmike48 4LAKids - LOS ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT CONTINUES TO LANGUISH UNDER UNENDING BUDGET CRISIS - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 CTU’s New Tack: Here’s How We’d Improve Schools - Chicago News Cooperative - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 After 37 years, Washington D.C. gets mental health system - Democratic Underground - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 School music provides a wealth of benefits | Davis Enterprise minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

EducationSee all

Can Democrats Find The Front In The 'Education Wars'? - Conventional wisdom among the Very Serious People in Washington DC has long maintained that the severely punitive nature of current policies governing America's public schools cannot be called an "...


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Rep. Darrell Issa's "Religious Freedom" Sausage Fest - There's something surreal about watching a congressional hearing in which a room full of men spend a morning publicly discussing birth control, menstrual pain, ovarian cancer, and migraine headache...


SB1467, American Taliban's latest assault on teachers - If SB1467 becomes law in Arizona, the state's public school teachers could be fired for engaging in “speech or conduct that would violate the standards adopted by the federal communications commis...


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Leak Offers Glimpse of Campaign Against Climate Science - Leaked documents suggest that an organization known for attacking climate science is planning a new push to undermine the teaching of global warming in public schools, the latest indication that cl...


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'Colbert Report' Suspended Without Explanation - February 16, 2012, 10:47 am By DAVE ITZKOFFA spokesman for Comedy Central said on Thursday morning that the taping of “The Colbert Report” had been suspended on Wednesday evening and would be again...


Brass Bandits Hit L.A. Schools : NPR - Enlarge Krissy Clark for NPR Teacher Ruben Gonzalez conducts the South Gate High School band. According to Gonzalez, thieves passed up a computer as well as a stash of valuable flutes, saxophones a...


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How the Heartland Institute plans to wreck education - DeSmogBlog has publicized documents that illuminate the Heartland Institute’s denialist agenda, and who’s footing the bill. The list of funders is interesting — Kochs, Philip Morris, Microsoft — an...


Blog posts on this issue - The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release February 16, 2012 Obama Administration Sends Congress the Consolidating and Reforming Government Act of 2012WASHINGTON, DC – This...


The way food should be - Mainers are leading a national push to restore family farming It was 20 degrees below zero when farmer Jim Gerritsen got up on the early morning of Feb. 13. Gerritson operates Wood Prairie Farm i...


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influential local high school coach fred yee dies at 77 - Speaking of basketball heroes... Out of the Pittsburgh area, we get sad news about the passing of Free Yee, a highly successful championship boys basketball and girls softball coach, who died last ...


From New York to Asia, Lin is a hoops sensation - NEW YORK—Bigger than Shaq? Larger than LeBron? The Knicks as NBA champions?(Don't laugh too hard at that last one. The odds are getting better, according to one online sports book.)Nothing seems to...
