Sunday, February 12, 2012

Big Education Ape: 2-12-12 PM Say 'no thanks' to charter schools EDition #edchat

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now:
Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

Published by Coopmike48 – 6 news spotters today

Daily Kos Action - Every single Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. They did so because they want to throw out provisions in the bill prot...


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coopmike48 Evers upset with Walker over education bill | Herald Times Reporter | Evers upset #edu31 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 How is any part of Walker’s economic strategy working with job losses for 6 months straight and tax #edu31 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 The Whole-Brained Child and 10 Mindful Minutes - my sidewalk chalk blog - nyc school help - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

EducationSee all

Video - School closing? No problem — help is now on the way!After voting to shutter 23 struggling schools, the city’s Department of Education is only now launching what it refers to as “targeted action pla...


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Occupy the Blog! (2/11/2012) | MyFDL - We’ve received a few diaries in the last week but we’ve also gotten some great pictures and a couple of nice videos from folks. On the diary front, we have two from Occupy Pittsburgh folks. First u...


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The privatization of war parallels education trends - I don't think so The erosion and selling off of public space isn't limited to public education. This loss of public decision making and government transparency and accountability is the biggest thr...


Emanuel Criticizes Chicago Union in Interview - As the Chicago Teachers Union is set to go head to head with the Chicago Public Schools system in what many believe will be contentious contract negotiations, Mayor Rahm Emanuel has publicly critic...


The Covert NATO War in Syria - The body of Brig Gen Dr Issa al-Kholi People may have noticed that the official narrative concerning Syria changes on a daily basis – except for continuing to heap contempt and scorn on the Russian...


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FIRST LADY CONNECTS IN NATIONAL ANTI - First lady Michelle Obama played tennis Saturday. Carolyn Kaster • ap In just the past few days, she has danced with schoolchildren, chatted with troops, swapped ideas with parents and engaged in a...


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Occupy the Blog! (2/11/2012) | MyFDL - We’ve received a few diaries in the last week but we’ve also gotten some great pictures and a couple of nice videos from folks. On the diary front, we have two from Occupy Pittsburgh folks. First u...


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