Thursday, January 12, 2012

Scott Walker’s Wisconsin blooper. « Fred Klonsky

Scott Walker’s Wisconsin blooper. « Fred Klonsky:

Scott Walker’s Wisconsin blooper.

It ranks up there with Mitt Romney’s “I like firing people.”

Wisconsin’s anti-union governor, Scott Walker, has plastered a billboard claiming he creates jobs right in front of the Janesville GM plant.

Which is closed and shuttered.

Wisconsin voters are a week away

Chicago parking meters and the G8 Summit.

Won’t you please come to Chicago in May.

Obama was in town last night for several fund raisers.

My friend Erin has the misfortune of living near one of the high rollers who hosted one of the gatherings. Street closures meant she didn’t get home for hours.

It’s an omen of thing to come next May when the NATO and G-8 summits are held here. Although Erin didn’t have to cross barbed wire perimeter and robo-cops.

Mayor Emanuel has already announced a permanent suspension of civil liberties in anticipation of globalization