Sunday, January 15, 2012

Peg with Pen: Yelling from Who-ville. We Will Be Heard. Occupy the DOE in DC.

Peg with Pen: Yelling from Who-ville. We Will Be Heard. Occupy the DOE in DC.:

Yelling from Who-ville. We Will Be Heard. Occupy the DOE in DC.

You’ve already heard the Whos in Who-ville haven’t you?

The Whos were always there, while many of us basked inthe Jungle of Nool, In the heat of the day, in the cool of the pool…

Yet, it’s not so easy to bask these days, because once youhave heard them in Who-ville, you cannot turn away. Their voices, while often quiet and hard to hear, will chill youto the bones and rattle your world.

Here are a few of the voices that have been loud enough tobe heard.

Mark Naison shares the voice of a principal: “EveryFriday,” the principal said, “students in the school start crying