Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mother Crusader: Students Take On Cerf. And Win.

Mother Crusader: Students Take On Cerf. And Win.:

Students Take On Cerf. And Win.

Today Jersey Jazzman pointed out that while ed reformers use students to bolster their weak arguments or show numbers at their protests, many of the kids don't seem to know what school they supposedly want to see closed down or why they are protesting.

In contrast, check out these intrepid high school reporters in Cherry Hill and Highland Park. They are all over this charter thing, and they get it. No high tech wizardry, just good old fashioned student work. This amazing illustration went along with an article on Regis Academy in the Cherry Hill High School East paper, Eastside.

In the same paper there was an Editorial as well:

The detrimental effects of the charter school on Cherry Hill's public school