Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Brown wants quicker results, fewer tests | Thoughts on Public Education

Brown wants quicker results, fewer tests | Thoughts on Public Education:

Brown wants quicker results, fewer tests - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Gov. Jerry Brown picked up on a common complaint of teachers, superintendents, and parents in his State of the State address last week: Schools have closed for the summer by the time they get the scores of standardized tests that students took the previous spring. At that point, the results are a lot less useful. Brown’s [...]

America cannot afford the stiff price of a dropout nation - by Russell Rumberger

Kenny Buchanan is 44 years old and dropped out of high school 26 years ago. He’s been paying the price ever since. He’s held eight jobs in the last five years and has never earned more than $40,000 in a year. Kenny is one of 40 million Americans who never graduated from high [...]