Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Modern School: Univ. Arizona Students Build Nation's Longest Fake Border Wall
Why This Teacher Supports Unions (A Thought) | The Jose Vilson
Why This Teacher Supports Unions (A Thought)
I can tell you of the petty nonsense I’ve faced as a teacher, the plethora of veteran teachers they tried to get rid of because they’re too old, the times I didn’t think my job was safe because I had an opinion that’s far from mainstream, the people I’ve met who were harassed on a daily basis for being too ____, and the places we try and hide our system’s dirt in backrooms and rugs.
Instead, I’ll tell you of a principle theory. Union means unity.
When two or more people within a given circle feel a common struggle against an oppression, they must amalgamate against that oppression. In our country and so many others, corporatists and Reaganites obfuscate these unions and re-brand efforts from public (and private) service workers to the American public as unpatriotic
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: The view from Florida #wiunion #statesos #awakefl
The view from Florida
I've been in Florida all week, trying to get a handle on Gov. Scott's train wreck of a school reform. The latest fiasco has to do with the state's testing madness and a new law that forces schools to evaluate and pay teachers on the basis of students' FCAT scores. The last time the legislature passed such a bill, it had to be repealed when the state ran out of money and couldn't afford "merit " pay.
The latest problem is that, for the second year in a row, the state can't get test scores back in time to enter student grades, allow seniors to graduate or figure teachers' pay into their budgets. What a mess!
Florida law requires test results be available within a week, but the state says it won't have them ready until after
Twitter Strategies « My Island View
Twitter Strategies
Whenever it comes to writing about Twitter in a blog post, I never know how basic to go in my descriptions. I guess I must assume that there will be many people who have no idea about Twitter. I can also be confident that many other readers are capable of writing a similar post with better strategies. The problem with Twitter is that it is confusing to explain, difficult to understand, and only learned when one begins to use it regularly. My use for twitter, although it can be very social, is for the purpose of personal development. If I was a boat builder, I would follow other boat builders, but since I am an educator, I will focus my following to other educators. The goal is to assemble a list of people who are not only knowledgeable about education and learning, but have a sharing and collaborative philosophy.
One of the first things I do, when I am considering someone to follow, is to check his, or her Twitter Profile. I limit myself to following educators, because I gear my Twitter account for professional learning. Many people have
More than 100 shut out of Newark school meeting after auditorium fills to capacity | NJ.com
More than 100 shut out of Newark school meeting after auditorium fills to capacity
Published: Tuesday, March 22, 2011, 8:01 PM Updated: Tuesday, March 22, 2011, 8:14 PM
NEWARK — Chants of "Let us in!" rang out among the more than 100 people who turned out for Newark's monthly school board meeting who were barred from entering Barringer High School's auditorium.
Security guards at the entrances said the room was over capacity based on fire safety codes. But for the parents, teachers and students pressing the school's blue metal doors, this was an unacceptable excuse.
"If it's an open forum, it should be open to the public," said Lydia Murcado, a Newark teacher whose children attend Catholic schools. "They should at least have speakers out here so we can hear what's going on inside."
Instead those waiting by the doors were treated to speakers blasting support for Kris Pernell, a
NEA, NAACP Swallow Bankers’ Line on Swipe Fees | FDL News Desk
NEA, NAACP Swallow Bankers’ Line on Swipe Fees
The amendment to the Dodd-Frank legislation reducing the cost of interchange fees for debit and credit cards passed with a supermajority in the Senate. It went through the normal process and it won. Now the banks, in a slightly stronger position than during the Dodd-Frank debate, are trying to get the changes delayed, and effectively killed. They’re using a silly argument that this will result in higher costs for consumers. They have the ability to control those costs. Whatever higher costs would come in the form of fees for using debit cards or restrictions on high-dollar debit card purchases or fees for checking accounts, all imposed by the banks. They cannot imagine a world where their profits are in any way lower, so they have to “make up” the reduction in interchange fees.
Now, competition would ensue and some bank would offer free checking to increase volume, and people would flock to it. But the big banks don’t really want to compete on quality of service and price. They want a license to
Big Education Ape: 3-22-11, Special PM #wiunion Edition #p2 #WEAREWI #wi #tcot
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uppitywis.org - Papa Fitzgerald and Randy Hopper's live-in make a segment of the Rachel Maddow show entitled, "It's not about the budget." coopmike48 |
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunionBig Education Ape: Ed News Now as shared by 6 people on Coopmike48’s Twitter listNext update in about 12 hoursBack to front pageHEADLINESEDUCATIONPOLITICSART... coopmike48 |
uppitywis.org - Offshore wind farmWhile the Walker administration and the GOP-controlled legislature continue to ruminate about making it easier to build nuclear power plants in the state while restricting wind po... coopmike48 |
uppitywis.org - Milwaukee Magazine Editor Bruce Murphy on Gov. Scott Waukesha's budget and its impact on the city of Milwaukee: You could go back half a century and you wouldn’t find a more destructive budget fo... coopmike48 |