Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why This Teacher Supports Unions (A Thought) | The Jose Vilson

Why This Teacher Supports Unions (A Thought) | The Jose Vilson

Why This Teacher Supports Unions (A Thought)

I can tell you of the petty nonsense I’ve faced as a teacher, the plethora of veteran teachers they tried to get rid of because they’re too old, the times I didn’t think my job was safe because I had an opinion that’s far from mainstream, the people I’ve met who were harassed on a daily basis for being too ____, and the places we try and hide our system’s dirt in backrooms and rugs.

Instead, I’ll tell you of a principle theory. Union means unity.

When two or more people within a given circle feel a common struggle against an oppression, they must amalgamate against that oppression. In our country and so many others, corporatists and Reaganites obfuscate these unions and re-brand efforts from public (and private) service workers to the American public as unpatriotic