Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why Rick Scott’s Call for More STEM Degrees is Half Right | Scathing Purple Musings

Why Rick Scott’s Call for More STEM Degrees is Half Right | Scathing Purple Musings:

Why Rick Scott’s Call for More STEM Degrees is Half Right

I thought that Rick Scott was on solid ground when he called for an increased emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education programs. Scott was correct to point out that there are some empty degrees being pushed on college campuses which do not prepare students for employment. Athough he was misguided in pointing to Anthropology as one such major, few dispute that some programs exist to prop up enrollment as a way to generate research grant funding. But if Scott is going here, he needs to be more specific and not simply indulge in hyperbole as was his ill-advised taunt for Anthropology majors.

The Orlando Sun-Sentinel’s Scott Travis has done yeoman’s work in cataloging which degrees are leading to the most jobs in Florida. And its not in science and math.

The state figures show a bachelor’s degree in a STEM field is no guarantee of a job, with low