Monday, December 19, 2011

What do we want in a superintendent? | Seattle Education

What do we want in a superintendent? | Seattle Education:

What do we want in a superintendent?

The last four years have been a whirlwind with the hiring of the Broad-trained superintendent Dr. Goodloe-Johnson and all that came with her reign of tenure. School closings and re-openings, unnecessary rif’s, shutting down of programs that should have instead been supported, the MAP test three times each year even though only twice per year is required to get the appropriate results (we’ll get to that later), Teach for America, Inc., the student assignment plan debacle and the re-segregation of our schools (just in time to start the drumbeat of charters as a “choice” now that most options have been taken away from students on the southend of Seattle. And if the options have not been taken away