Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Truth Behind Stand for Children: A Video | Seattle Education

The Truth Behind Stand for Children: A Video | Seattle Education:

The Truth Behind Stand for Children: A Video

The unholy trinity of Stand for Children (SFC), the League of Education Voters (LEV) and the Washington State PTA (WSPTA) will be lobbying for a charter school bill starting in January with the backing of Microsoft, Boeing and Bill Gates. They will be in the House and Senate halls in Olympia in front of our representatives saying that they stand for the rest of us when in actuality they are representing only a wealthy few.

After watching this video, please send this to your representatives in Olympia, you school PTA, your school board representatives and the board members of the WSPTA. Everyone needs to be informed about who is backing charter school legislation in our state and exactly what organizations like LEV, SFC and the Alliance for Education have become, puppets of the 1%.

Thanks to Parents Across America, Portland for