Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This Week In Education: Reformageddon: Reform's "Rich Republican Job-Loss" Problem

This Week In Education: Reformageddon: Reform's "Rich Republican Job-Loss" Problem:

Reformageddon: Reform's "Rich Republican Job-Loss" Problem


Why are low-income minority communities, classroom teachers, middle-class parents and the public so indifferent if not outright hostile to school reform efforts? That's the question reformer Whitney Tilson tries to address in his latest email (copied below -- it usually takes him a few days to post them on his blog). Best known as a reform fanatic whose emails (along with this blog) were primary resources for Steve Brill's book, acknowledges what few of the blowhards and finger-waggers out there seem willing to do. It's not just the unions' fault, or even Stockholm Syndrome. Reform has problems,