Monday, December 19, 2011

Seattle Schools Community Forum: What to Do about the Superintendent Situation?

Seattle Schools Community Forum: What to Do about the Superintendent Situation?:

What to Do about the Superintendent Situation?

So I have been hearing a lot of different things over the last couple of days.  We are truly in a unique and difficult situation.  But there are two things I would like input on from all of you (between now and the end of next week).

First, there seems to be some hope that Dr. Enfield wants to be wooed.  Many out there wanted her to stay and still hope that might be the case.  She has said she is firm on her decision but who knows?  Is there something that could be done to change her mind?  I know for certain the Alliance is working on it.  There may be others and that's fine.  If you feel that way, write the Board and urge them to get on it.

But I am tending to take her at her word so I'm moving on.

I am now wrestling with the superintendent search versus an interim superintendent.

I would like to see an internal interim superintendent.  It would have to be a person who knows the