Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Schools Matter: That's where our money goes: Cuts in libraries in California, but no plans to reduce useless testing

Schools Matter: That's where our money goes: Cuts in libraries in California, but no plans to reduce useless testing:

That's where our money goes: Cuts in libraries in California, but no plans to reduce useless testing

Sent to the San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 14

Gov. Brown plans to cut funding for public libraries, but has no plans to eliminate the High School Exit Exam ("Jerry Brown announces $1 billion in spending cuts,” Dec. 14). This is despite the fact that libraries contribute strongly to literacy development, despite the fact that use of public libraries has increased since the economic hard times began, and despite data showing that California’s public libraries are among the least well-funded in the nation.

Research also consistently shows that High School Exit Exams are a waste of money: Performance on exit exams does not relate to