Saturday, December 3, 2011

Private funds sway public school reform

Private funds sway public school reform:

Private funds sway public school reform
• Sun, Dec 04, 2011
By Eric T. Campbell
The Michigan Citizen

DETROIT — A newly-created state school district, the Educational Achievement System (EAS), will begin in Fall 2012 as part of Gov. Rick Snyder’s education reform.

At that point, it begins receiving state and federal per-pupil funding. Until then, the new system will operate as the only public district in the nation supported entirely by private donations.

A newly-formed business entity, the Michigan Education Excellence Foundation, is collecting private monies for the operation of the Education Achievement Authority (EAA), the board that will oversee and implement the EAS, a statewide district for “low-performing” public schools.

News reports in October show the EAS is being funded by $2