Friday, December 16, 2011

Peg with Pen: A New Year's Resolution. Opt Out of State Testing. January 7th.

Peg with Pen: A New Year's Resolution. Opt Out of State Testing. January 7th.:

A New Year's Resolution. Opt Out of State Testing. January 7th.

United Opt Out National has declared January 7th to be National Opt Out Day.  It is our goal that students, teachers and community members will express their dislike for corporate education reform and will use various means to demonstrate how they plan to OPT OUT.

There are many ways to opt out.  You can explore these ideas at our website.  Today I'm going to talk about the most powerful way to opt out: refuse to take the state test.  Educators across the country are supporting this concept.  You must peruse the Call for Action and see who has signed it.

It is time to raise our voices and be heard loudly. Corporate education reformers are attempting to work with