Monday, December 5, 2011

NYC Public School Parents: free movie screening Thurs. Dec. 8, at 6 PM!

NYC Public School Parents: free movie screening Thurs. Dec. 8, at 6 PM!:

free movie screening Thurs. Dec. 8, at 6 PM!

Parents, Educators and Community Members You Are Invited To a Free Movie Screening and
Learn The Truth About Charter Schools

The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting For Superman
When: Thursday, December 8th at 6pm
Where: Emily Dickinson School, PS 75
735 West End Avenue (enter on 96th St) NY, NY 10025

Q & A Panel Discussion After Screening

With: Brian Jones and Julie Cavanagh, Teacher Activists;
Leonie Haimson, Executive Director, Class Size Matters;
Noah Gotbaum, CEC3 Charter/Overcrowding Committee Chair

Four of the city’s most dynamic education activists discuss the current direction of DOE policies, the truth about charter schools, and what our children really need to succeed.

Sponsors, P.S.75 PTA, CEC 3 and Class Size Matters