Friday, December 16, 2011

The Mess of No Child Left Behind - Brian Resnick - National - The Atlantic

The Mess of No Child Left Behind - Brian Resnick - National - The Atlantic:

The Mess of No Child Left Behind

DEC 16 2011, 9:30 AM ET 2

Ten years after its inception, it appears increasingly clear that NCLB will not meet its ambitious 2014 goals


Matthew Benoit/Shutterstock

No Child Left Behind is in shambles.

In a report released Thursday, the Center on Education Policy found that 48 percent of the nation's public schools failed to meet NCLB goals in 2011. This is up from 39 percent in 2010 and 29 percent in 2006. Furthermore, there is a great disparity in the performance among states. For instance, 11 percent of Wisconsin schools fell short of advancement goals; in Florida, that number was 89 percent.

In addition to a divergent, confusing map of educational progress across the country, the report makes it clear that NCLB will not make succeed in reaching its main goal of all states being proficient s'