Friday, December 9, 2011

Judge says blogger is not a journalist: action designed to put fear into the heart of independent investigative journalists and muzzle the internet |

Judge says blogger is not a journalist: action designed to put fear into the heart of independent investigative journalists and muzzle the internet |

Judge says blogger is not a journalist: action designed to put fear into the heart of independent investigative journalists and muzzle the internet

Jeff Barnard of the Associated Press published in the Boston Globe today, December 8th, the following which should be of concern to all of us who do alternative media and especially those of us who do investigative journalistic work. Deep pockets can bankrupt an average person looking to do investigative journalism. This ruling by aFederal court regarding defamation and the status of journlaists is very troubling and should be of concern to all independent bloggers and journalists. If the ruling class cannot shut down the net then they will go after independent journalists and bloggers to create fear and disharmony amongst the journalist community in an attempt to bankrupt ordinary citizens. With their hand-picked judges and coin operated lawyers in control the