Monday, December 19, 2011

Jersey Jazzman: The "Strange Territory" of Tom Moran and Ed Reform

Jersey Jazzman: The "Strange Territory" of Tom Moran and Ed Reform:

The "Strange Territory" of Tom Moran and Ed Reform

The spat between Governor Christie and State Senator Ron Rice caught the eye of the Star-Ledger's Tom Moran on Sunday. The basic story is that Rice is holding up hearings on ACTING Education Commissioner Chris Cerf's appointment, so Christie is holding up on appointing judges and taking away Sen. Dick Codey's car in retaliation. Yes, you read that right.

I actually agree with much of what Moran writes until he steps once again into the reformy breach:
Why is Rice objecting to Cerf? This is where the story veers into strange territory.
Rice sees the governor’s reform agenda as one front in a national conspiracy by hedge fund owners to privatize public education, and to enrich themselves by