Monday, December 5, 2011

David Kolb: The end of public schools, a right-wing dream, may be in sight |

David Kolb: The end of public schools, a right-wing dream, may be in sight |

David Kolb: The end of public schools, a right-wing dream, may be in sight

Published: Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 7:29 AM
david-kolb.jpgDavid Kolb

Republicans who control the Michigan Senate deserve points for their anti-public school creativity, or at least bright red achievement stickers for their notebook covers.

The spectacle of these politicos stooping to the idea of passing a bill to enable “virtual” cyber-schools in place of actual public schools, a concept that might rank in Dante’s world as existing one level lower in hell than virtual casinos, is quite an accomplishment.

Mind you, the virtual-ness of the GOP Senate’s new schools plan is an outgrowth of the actual corporate oligarchy the voters of this state have enabled through the 2010 election.

In that awful aftermath, an ironclad and ruthless Republican regime was put in place in Lansing in the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

So, there are zero avenues of appeal here should Senate Bill 619 actually take effect and, as some