Wednesday, November 9, 2011

WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE ? « Teachers Fight Back

WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE ? « Teachers Fight Back:


The Personnel and Pension Committee in the Illinois Legislature voted 5-4 to send a “Pension Reform” bill to the full House. Under this bill, state employees could keep their retirement benefit in place but pay more; take smaller benefits but pay no more; or set up a 401(k)style plan.

Let’s see if I understand this situation correctly. For many years the Illinois Legislature violated the Illinois Constitution and failed to make their mandatory contributions to the teacher retirement system. What they did was tantamount to stealing from the teachers and sending a loud and clear message that they were willing to risk the financial future of retired teachers. Now the State is billions in debt and the legislators are blaming the people that they stole from for causing the debt crisis.

Why haven’t teachers and public employees swarmed down to the capitol building and demanded an end to this