Thursday, November 3, 2011

Washington Post Co Silences Employees with Intimidation: Kaplan again |

Washington Post Co Silences Employees with Intimidation: Kaplan again |

Washington Post Co Silences Employees with Intimidation: Kaplan again

Many of you know of the case of Pfc Bradley Manning. The government has alleged he leaked documents to Wikileaks and has caged him for months now in an attempt to let others know not to mess with the US government and its classified documents. Well, wlelcome to The Washington Post Company, a company that appears to be using similar tactics such as employment termination, criminal prosecution and civil suit to silence whistle blowers and initimdate future whistleblowing by employees just like the government is doing with Bradley Manning. Case in point: Ben Wilcox, former director of legal studies at WaPoCo’s Kaplan University was sentenced to prison on about July 20, 2011 as a result of these tactics.

Kaplan University, the for profit college subsidairy of the Washington Post C