Sunday, November 6, 2011

Stop Teaching Kids About Germs (Satire) « Cooperative Catalyst

Stop Teaching Kids About Germs (Satire) « Cooperative Catalyst:

Stop Teaching Kids About Germs (Satire)

The other day, I visited my son’s school and noticed a poster reminding kids to cover their mouth when they sneezed and wash their hands after using the restroom. I looked for the applicable Bible verses offering an opposing viewpoint on germs, but instead I saw other hygiene propaganda without once making a reference to the Hand of God.

It’s for this reason that I am beginning a campaign to ban the teaching of germs to children in our public schools. The notion that invisible “germs” exist (I can see a crucifix, but I can’t see a germ — which one am I supposed to believe?) and that we must go through various Secular Rites to purge our hands from these mythical creatures is both a scientific fallacy and an assault on our American Values.

Reason #1: It’s Bad Science
At one time scientists didn’t believe in germs. Then they decided that germs were bad. Then they came out with reports that some germs were good while others were bad. Parents were told to have kids wash their hands and then they learned that too much hand-washing led to a weak immune system. I grew up learning to coug

Tale of a Broken System: A Student’s Perspective (Guest Post by Jay Chisley)

Public education is a system of failure in America; it’s a system that no longer holds any true promise to a great future that one can build on. Over the past few decades its capabilities has seemed to have narrowed and its structure has seem to falter to the point of near catastrophic collapse. However, there is a large majority of people out there who believe that the American education system is working fine and that those who wish to sound the alarms have no idea what they are talking about. I’d dispute that assertion with my last breath though because the system has failed me before and I know, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it’s failed many other deserving children. This system has become unconcerned with providing education to every child like Horace Mann envisioned and it has become