Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Schools Matter: Deception 101 - Charter Schools: from co-location to astro-turf parent groups

Schools Matter: Deception 101 - Charter Schools: from co-location to astro-turf parent groups:

Deception 101 - Charter Schools: from co-location to astro-turf parent groups

[click here if you can't hear this audio]

Public School advocates Cheryl Ortega and Robert D. Skeels on KPFK's Politics or Pedagogy with John Cromshow November 17, 2011. Posted on November 20, 2011 by #occupyLAUSD

Support the Paper, Support the Revolt

You don't have to be from New York to support the effort:
Join the thousands of educators and concerned citizens across New York State and our country who support our efforts! Everyone is welcome to support the paper!

Across New York State, there is growing concern about the direction being taken by the State Education Department. In breathtaking speed, State Education officials have made sweeping changes to how our schools operate, how our teachers and principals are evaluated and how our students are assessed.

As building principals, we applaud efforts aimed towards excellence for all of our students. We