Tuesday, November 8, 2011

School Tech Connect: Faxed To Springfield

School Tech Connect: Faxed To Springfield:

Faxed To Springfield

Round up your colleagues and drag them to the phones.

This is the message I just faxed to my senator:

November 8, 2011

Dear Sentaor Steans,

I hope you are as alarmed as I am by the report from Buck Consultants regarding the impact of SB512. It describes the linkage of the state’s contribution to state revenue as “actuarially unsound.”

There’s a reason that no other pension system links the state’s contribution to revenue: it’s a terrible idea. It actually codifies the practice of underfunding the pension systems and would set them on a course of certain extinction.

We can’t have a pension system in which one of the funding legs decides its policies on an ad hoc basis; it is the mark of a banana republic.

Please vote “NO!” on SB 512. It’s a terrible bill, written with ill intent.

Tim Furman,
Rogers Park