Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky's blog:

Saturday coffee.

Graphic: H/T Chris Janotta.

Chicago will be rainy this coming week, but today it is sunny and Fall-like. A long dog-walk with Ulysses is on the agenda.

And then later this afternoon we are co-hosting a meet-and-greet coffee for Will Guzzardi. Will is a young guy who is running for the Democratic nomination for 39th District State Rep against Democratic Party Machine incumbent, Toni Berrios. I first met Will when he was a Chicago political writer for Huffington and he did a story on me and the Jonah Edelman – Stand for Children scandal.

Given what the Illinois House is thinking about doing to teacher pensions this coming week, having a pro-teacher voice in Springfield doesn’t seem like a bad idea to me.

Which reminds me. If you haven’t called your Illinois state legislator today, why not? 1 888 412 6570. Follow the prompts. “Don’t mess with our TRS.”

While nobody can say what a new version of SB512 will look like, here is what the old version would do:

Old school.

Johnny Cash.