Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Runoff! | The G Bitch Spot

Runoff! | The G Bitch Spot:


Louella Givens v. Kira Orange Jones. The big money is behind Jones—actually, it’s to smear Givens which means either (even) low(er) voter turnout or more votes for Jones. She is one of the last pieces of the puzzle. And it’s not a choice of “for the children or NOT for the children” but about local control, engaging stakeholders in reform, proper supervision of entities that use state and federal tax dollars, having policies and procedures rather than favorites and “partners,” having more than one voice or opinion or option, having at least one person on BESE who tries to think about the implications, benefits and downsides of what we are told we are getting whether we want it or not. [Some have been bought off with a charter school they fiercely defend and protect