Monday, November 28, 2011

No to Co-Option: MoveOn is the Opposite of the Occupy Movement | #ows

No to Co-Option: MoveOn is the Opposite of the Occupy Movement |

No to Co-Option: MoveOn is the Opposite of the Occupy Movement

November 28, 2011 in Uncategorized

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MoveOn’s History of Undermining Progressive Causes in Support of the Corporate-Dominated Democratic Party

While most of the comments about my article on Van Jones and our General Assembly’s call for independence from the Democratic Party and Democratic Party front groups were positive, a few people don’t seem to know the history of MoveOn.

Please do not misunderstand my criticisms of MoveOn and other organizations in this article as criticism of the many good people in these organizations. We have some people from MoveOn and other groups working with us at Occupy Washington, DC. It is the leadership of these groups