Friday, November 18, 2011

Mortgage, Student Loan Debt a Major Driver of Economic Malaise | FDL News Desk

Mortgage, Student Loan Debt a Major Driver of Economic Malaise | FDL News Desk:

Mortgage, Student Loan Debt a Major Driver of Economic Malaise

empty (photo: Simmy/flickr)

I found this to be a very good connect-the-dots story from the New York Times.

Like most of her friends, Hollis Romanelli graduated from college last May and promptly moved back in with her parents.

As a result, she didn’t pay rent — or a broker’s fee or renters’ insurance, for that matter. She also didn’t buy a bed, desk, couch, doormat, mop or new crockery set. Nor did she pay the cable company to send a worker to set up her TV and Internet, or a handyman to hang a newly framed diploma. She didn’t even buy drinks and snacks for a housewarming party.

In other words, Ms. Romanelli, 22, saved a lot of money. But she deprived the economy of a lot of

Live Blog for #Occupy Movement: Aftermath of a Massive Day of Action


Occupy Wall Street marked its two-month anniversary with what organizers called a historic day of action. More than thirty thousand people turned out to rally in New York City and march across the Brooklyn Bridge.

Earlier in the day, Occupy Wall Street pushed the NYPD to fortify the area in and around the New York Stock Exchange as hundreds participated in nonviolent civil disobedience. The morning protests led many police in riot