Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Big Education Ape: 11-22-11 PM 'Income Achievement Gap' Almost Double Black-White Performance Gap EDition #OWS

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now:

Published by Coopmike48 – 7 news spotters today

Wall St. Layoffs Take Heavy Toll on Younger Workers

dealbook.nytimes.com - Andrew Sullivan for The New York TimesMarine Corps veteran Sam Meek, 27, recently was laid off from his job at a hedge fund.Earlier this fall, Steve Ferdman celebrated getting a job offer from Cred...


Reporters Meet the Fists of the Law

nytimes.com - In the aftermath of the Occupy Wall Street eviction from Zuccotti Park, a mayoral aide e-mailed reporters. The aide, Stu Loeser, said that he had heard of journalists “supposedly” weari...


Fail - Feature Story - Local Stories - November 17, 2011

newsreview.com - Full disclosure: Reporter Cosmo Garvin’s wife is a teacher in the Sacramento City Unified School District. School districts all over the country are struggling to turn around “failing schools.” It’...


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coopmike48 Propose #edchat Questions here! - The Educator's PLN - goo.gl/GKVEa10 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 Reports from the Coffee Farms of Uganda! (… and photos and videos, too!) « Small Farmers. Big Change. -goo.gl/DTqve #Coop8 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 Wisconsin Leads Nation in Total Jobs Lost in October | - goo.gl/Z96pA16 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

EducationSee all

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3 More Students Surrender in SAT Cheating Scandal

nbcnewyork.com - Pei-Sze Cheng Education officials outlined the new rules that are being considered in the wake of a cheating scandal on Long Island. State Senators, Educators Consider SAT... Copy Close Link to thi...


Morton Deutsch: Bullish on Occupy Wall Street

tc.edu - Morton Deutsch: Bullish on Occupy Wall StreetPublished in Views on the News 11/1/2011Morton Deutsch, Director Emeritus of ICCRThe ongoing Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, which began at Zuccotti ...


PoliticsSee all

Remembering Mayor Harold Washington. « Fred Klonsky

preaprez.wordpress.com - Friday will mark the 24th year since Harold Washington died. Harold was the first elected Black mayor of Chicago and its most progressive one. By the way, you always called him “Harold.” It was no ...


The White Party

michaelklonsky.blogspot.com - Columbia prof, Thomas Edsall writing in today's NY Times, points out that the GOP has become the "white party," armed strategically with a racist, anti-Latino, anti-immigrant election strategy. It'...


StoriesSee all

NYC Educator: On Punctuality

nyceducator.com - For the first ten years I taught, I attended a lot of meetings. There were, of course, the new teacher meetings, required to maintain my city license. In these meetings I learned that the presenter...


Occupy Los Angeles Day 52 News Report

owsnews.org - Tummy Tuck Recovery: Tummy Tuck Pictures... [...]what follows are some listings to web pages which I link to as we believe these are worthwhile visiti...Elektrische Zahnbuerste: ... [Trackback]... ...


BusinessSee all

GDP Growth for Q3 Revised Downward

news.firedoglake.com - While Washington looks uneasily at the demise of a deficit committee that was completely irrelevant to reducing the deficit, the real problem for the country, the troubling lack of growth, continue...


Modern School: California’s 1% Goes On The Offensive

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Modern School: California’s 1% Goes On The Offensive:California’s 1% Goes On The Offensiveby Michael DunnWe've Saved the Schools! (Image from Flickr, Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com)Three of Califor...


Economy grew at 2 percent rate in third quarter

davisenterprise.com - WASHINGTON — The U.S. economy grew more slowly over the summer than the government had earlier estimated because businesses cut back more sharply on restocking of shelves. The Commerce Department s...


Art & EntertainmentSee all

Grading How Politician's Kids Have Grown Up - Politics

theatlanticwire.com - Both Meghan McCain and Chelsea Clinton recently landed gigs as contributors to NBC News (well, McCain's at MSNBC), which should tell us something. In McCain's case it says duh Meghan McCain likes b...


NYC Educator: The NYCTF Recruitment [Soon-to-be] Scandal

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - NYC Educator: The NYCTF Recruitment [Soon-to-be] Scandal:The NYCTF Recruitment [Soon-to-be] Scandalby Miss EyreI'm trying to be cheerful this week. It's a 3-day week, after all, and those of us tra...


#owsSee all

Sheriff, DA begin probe of pepper-spraying incident

davisenterprise.com - The Yolo County Sheriff’s Department has launched its investigation into Friday’s confrontation on the UC Davis campus that resulted in the pepper-spraying of unarmed protesters, a review requested...


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  • mikeklonsky
  • coopmike48


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  • coopmike48
  • coopmike48