Tuesday, October 11, 2011

SEE NCTE Comment/Correction re: Schools Matter: Resolution: NCTE will oppose common core standards and national tests

Schools Matter: Resolution: NCTE will oppose common core standards and national tests:

Resolution: NCTE will oppose common core standards and national tests

Resolution on National Standards and Tests
Submitted to National Council of Teachers of English, Committee on Resolutions, via e-mail, on October 10, 2011.
The movement for national standards and tests is based on these claims: (1) Our educational system is broken, as revealed by US students' scores on international tests; (2) We must improve education to improve the economy; (3) The way to improve education is to have national standards and national tests to reveal whether standards are being met.
Each of these claims is false. (1) Our schools are not broken. The problem is poverty. Test scores of students from middle-class homes who attend well-funded schools are among the best in world. Our mediocre scores are due to the fact that the US has the highest level of child poverty among all industrialized countries. (2) Existing evidence strongly suggests that