Monday, October 3, 2011

Schools Matter: A bogus argument for dismissing teacher experience and credentials in compensating teachers.

Schools Matter: A bogus argument for dismissing teacher experience and credentials in compensating teachers.:

A bogus argument for dismissing teacher experience and credentials in compensating teachers.

A bogus argument for dismissing teacher experience and credentials in compensating teachers.

Stephen Krashen

In a recent article in the Sunday Los Angeles Times ("Just rewards for teachers," October 2), Marcus Winter acknowledges that basing teacher quality on student gains on standardized tests, known as value-added ratings, is "far from perfect and thus should not be used in isolation …".

Should educators just focus on teaching?

This is the third of three posts written in response to a post on the NCTE connected community listserv in reaction to Krashen and Ohanian, "Arne Duncan's position on education and poverty." I will not post the original comment and will refer to it only minimally, because, although I have given my permission to quote and share my posts, others posting on the NCTE listserv have not.

Should educators just focus on teaching?

Educators include those who are with children everyday, as well as researchers who have investigated the factors leading to school success. These are the ones who understand what children need, not distant politicians who have not spent months alone in a room with children, or